Macmillan Coffee Morning

nigella chocolate cake

I am joining in with a linky, Foto Friday, which requires a photograph of something you’ve cooked/baked this week.

I spent most of yesterday evening baking cakes for the Macmillan Coffee morning today.  Do click on the link and see what it’s all about – a great cause.

This is my Nigella chocolate cake…hope it tasted good!  I had a hell of a job keeping it safe from my 5 year old son – so much so, that I have promised to make one for him this weekend.  Ah well, you can never have too much cake.*

The Crazy Kitchen

*Alas, this is not true.


To support and spread the word about the Macmillan Coffee Morning rate how you like your coffee on the widget below. After choosing entering your answers, you will then be given a coffee character which can then be shared through twitter. The tweet will have the #coffeemorning to help promote the event.


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