Yup, it’s back to the 70s!
My nan used to buy a frozen Black Forest Gateau once a month. It would be taken from the freezer in the morning and all day my sister and I would watch it slowly defrost until finally, ’round about tea-time, it was thawed and ready for greedy consumption.
These days, with my *heightened* taste buds, I am sure I would shudder at the thought, but the memory of that much longed for pudding has stayed with me. And so, with this in mind, I decided to concoct a Black Forest Cupcake.
Using my stalwart chocolate cake recipe, I set off for Sainsbury’s in search of cherry jam and chocolate adornments to make them look desirable even if they don’t match in the taste department.
But they did match up. Maybe it’s just my 70s nostalgia, but they were yummy!
So, I can tell I have lured you closer…here’s how to make them.
200g plain flour
200g caster sugar
1tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp bicarb of soda
40g good quality cocoa powder
175g softened, unsalted butter
2 large free range eggs (yes, it matters!)
2 tsps vanilla extract
150ml soured cream
Bung it all in together and whisk the life out of it until it is light brown and fluffy.
Set out 15 cupcake cases and put an ice-cream scoop full of mixture into each. Bake at 180ºC (160 fan) for about 15 mins.
When cool use an apple corer to take the middle out of each cake. pop a scant teaspoon of cherry jam (I use conserve) into each and plug with the top from the corer.
Pipe an elegant splurge of chocolate buttercream icing onto each cake (although vanilla would work just as well). Adorn with a chocolate marvel (I opted for Dr Oetker’s Chocolate Stars). If you want to cheat, use Betty Crocker’s Icing tubs. Nobody need ever know…
And do you know what? They are really nice.
1978 nice.
These look fantastic. I like the idea of using cherry conserve for the filling.
Thanks, Linda. I took them into work for ‘testing’ and they went down very well. And very fast!
Clever idea! I will bookmark this recipe for later and maybe give them a try this weekend. I love any variations of German cakes
This is the best black Forrest recipe I have ever made! Delicious!!