The BiB Awards

Today I offer a brand new recipe:  BiBlogo


  • A large dollop of admiration for What Would Nigella Do?
  • A computer, tablet or smart phone
  • 2 minutes of your time
  • A generous amount of loveliness



  1. Take your large dollop of admiration and mix it gently with your loveliness.
  2. Using your device of choice, click on the picture in this post (or on the sidebar).
  3. Set your timer for 2 minutes and fill in the nomination form, citing for the FOOD Award.
  4. If you have any spare time, also nominate for LIFESTYLE and for WRITER
  5. Wait for the anticipation to rise (approx. 3 months)


End Product:

If you and all your friends have followed the above steps, I will be at the BiB Awards in London, as a finalist, waiting to see if I get the cherry on the cake….

Thank you,


Sarah xx

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