I had to share with you this marvellous biscuit jar I spotted in John Lewis this week. Every now and then I allow myself a visit to John Lewis Home where I wander about ooh-ing and ah-ing until I reach the kitchen department, where I grind to a halt. Just so many lovely things to look at/fiddle with/take out of the box and then not be able to get back in.
I couldn’t resist buying this jar. Standing proudly on my kitchen shelf, biscuits tumbled within, it looks fab. And it’s large enough to house a batch of home-made cookies too. I don’t know about you, but when I make biscuits at home we eat a fair few then they are stored away in an airtight tin and rediscovered a couple of weeks later looking a bit sheepish at the bottom. This proudly displays your wares and akin to the bottle in Alice in Wonderland the biccies whisper as you go past….’Eat me!’. And I do.
John Lewis, £15.00. Marvellous.
I love it over her. It fills me with a sort of glee.