This year we are going to the Glynde Food & Drink Festival, set in the grounds of Glynde Place, East Sussex and the lovely organisers have agreed to let me chat to some of the chefs and blog about how marvellous it is!
I haven’t been before, but it promises to be an amazing day out and you can even take the kids as there are childrens’ cookery classes or a craft & creche area to keep them busy.

Celebrities already signed up to run demonstrations are John Torode, Dhruv Baker, Tim Anderson and Lisa Faulkner (if you don’t watch Masterchef you may be saying ‘Who?’ but trust me, they’re all fab!). I have signed my kids up for a junior masterclass and really wanted to sign up myself for a bit of one-to-one with Dhruv, but fear leaving Husband with the 3 kids for 1 hour+ would send him over the edge…
You can pre-book or turn up on the day, but there is a discount if you book ahead.
It’s just down the road from me so an easy excursion, but if you’re further afield I do think it will be a visit – A foodtastic and hopefully sunny day out all in celebration of local and wonderful food and drink!
Husband will be fine – go for it. Just promise him some really fab food afterwards!!